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abysmalpoptart Wrote:i'm gonna bump this, because i saw a few questions about it in the help forums

Thanks for this, cause I have been asking myself a lot of questions still about it. Once again, I would like to also thank you for your noob guide which not only helped me a lot, but got me interested in this game.

But now that we have the mathematical side of the argument of the career upgrade question, I am still curious as to whether it is the best thing go upgrade quickly at the beginning or not. Cause my thinking was the I use the career points to get up my stats quickly at the beginning and then once I get a to a reasonable level where I can defend myself ok, then start investing in career upgrades for the long term. Cause the other factors that I wanted to take into consideration is that if I don't get my stats up quickly at the beginning it means lower percentage of success for crimes, and limited success for the bigger paying crimes at the beginning, which means not as good equipment, are more importantly, longer to get a good house, which negatively impacts gym workouts. Also it could mean longer periods to go up in levels cause I would lose more battles at the beginning, meaning less energy points, which once again affects workouts at the gym.

I've still been upgrading my careers, but very gradually for now, Once I had hit fixed stat objectives, and I am comfortable that I can defend myself better, I was gonna focus more on upgrading careers to level 5, which will be a better long term investment as your math shows us. But I am curious what other people think?

Yes, stats are more important at first. Then you get to the point were you don't use it for stats anymore you use if for repairing your hideout or something.
I have not used my career points for anything except for career (Except for a few times) since I was a noob......I am hoping Zen will give us a chance at something better....
personally, i got my military to level 10 and started dumping the points into resistance because, to be honest, its not worth it to do anything else right now!!! manufacturing offers belt repair, some other careers offer healing and reduced hosp times, and if you like to attack in gang wars, you got that too. also, some careers can affect jail times! but some careers (martial arts, military, athletics) have NOTHING going for it in regards to skills, so whats the point? bonus dex, res, and end. politics also really helps in the rep, which its more useful for than the reduced bails IMO.

i'm really glad my guides have helped you all and kept you guys interested in the game, and rayne, i had the SAME issues when i was starting. thats why when i joined a stable gang, i secured a quick loan to get a 600k villa by the time i was level 12 or so. getting that gym early on and getting a higher level early on are both important, more important than good early weapons and armor IMO. the training and the levels are permanent, the weapons can come in later. same w/ career promotion levels Smile

and with that being said, i'd love to see more permanent career bonuses. for instance, hitting level 15 martial arts giving you a +5% bonus to dodging as you've become an adept martial artist (dexterity), or something like that... something really worthwhile. i mean, for the 2 years it'll take to get there, isnt that fair and worthwhile?
The same goes for most careers......I guess Zen just needs more money or we need more time.
i also really need spacing in skills. trained more smg, wasted skill points
abysmalpoptart Wrote:and with that being said, i'd love to see more permanent career bonuses. for instance, hitting level 15 martial arts giving you a +5% bonus to dodging as you've become an adept martial artist (dexterity), or something like that... something really worthwhile. i mean, for the 2 years it'll take to get there, isnt that fair and worthwhile?

2 years to get to level 15? Hmmm, Angelrinoa already has level 15 manufacturing......
well, i was close Smile careers came out approx 18-19 months ago, thats still a long long time!


Isnt it true like in manufacturing the higher your level the more it cost to say recharge a belt? What is the benefit of going higher in that field or any other if repair cost are expotential.
The costs increase, but the benefits do as well. Higher level rechargers can recharge to higher and higher % on belts, well over 200%, Politicians can reduce jail sentences by more, etc.

I have to agree though, some kind of permanent benefit for reaching a specific benchmark in a career would be cool.
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