I am honored to be nominated for most hated player of the year by Zenith. Thank you.
Did you forget how to reply to a topic instead of making a new one?

The gods grant us an audience to their affairs :shock:
Can we run an IP check on zen and err?
we should place bets

Ahhh, finally! The Silent Admin has spoken!
i am honored. i feel i am partially responsible for bringing Err out of hiding, and i am delighted that my thread was not a source of pure evil. thank you for gracing us with your presence, finally. however, you do realize that your post here eliminates you from the running since your nomination was based on the fact that you never post, right? ahhh... too bad so sad..
That Err sighting was just a hoax... Staged by badmanbren and his paranormal investigation club...
I'll believe Err exists when I can see hard, scientific proof. lol...