Some of the mails people send after being attacked is exactly what I want back. That is the personal side of the war, when people interact with each other. Almost all the wars being done is just pumping AP into headquarters until it blows.
Basically, what I'm trying to get to here, was hoping that someone else would bring it out as a more defined idea before me, is too make a hybrid out of the new and old system.
So that we can defeat gang HQ's in the new system with PvP combat system, to either get back the respect rating, or to get similar rewards to the AP attacks on HQ.
Yes people will always whine about being hit, most of the players will take it like men and talk smack in the mails we send ingame. Even an SV'er, not sure about his holiday nick at the moment, during the war he sent me a mail saying "good morning" every time I hosp'ed him. Why doesn't anyone bring that up? The 10-15 negative mails gets all the attention.
The main reason I will always prefer PvP combat in front of the new gang war system, is the outcome. In the new gang war system, you risk nothing, you just put enough ap in and eventually you will win.
In PvP combat, you fight people, and if you are close to them in rating, you never know who's gonna win. And if you lose you lose 500xp or more as well, which actually hurt. And if you are in war with a gang you are forced to hit people that are on a similar power level as you maybe, which can sting even worse, since then they can hosp you before you get a chance. It's a whole another level of excitement. Plus, stronger people can stalemate or even lose because of the randomness of the attack system.
And players improve, players change playing styles. You might stalemate a bundle again a person, but then you train up Acc a couple levels to beat him. meanwhile he levels up dexterity to counter it. So that you get a race to see who can train the hardest. That's competition, and I don't see a lot of that now.
Well said. Still be good to have the new system around to keep the combat bonus up which will make the powerful members still have to do some handbag wars to gain combat bonus. With it being this way I would find it hard to see only 1 gang dominating. There would certainlly be 1 better at new war and 1 better at older war.

Sounds like it would be good fun.
There needs needs to be a blance yes, but as im sure most people know trying to get that blance in a game is a nightmare when you change something it knocks something else out of wack. lol look at WOW for an eg.
What I like about this new system is a well organised group of low level players can beat a group of high level players. I think the first part of the SV comp showed that. It gives everyone a change to get in there and forces players to work together. In the old system if a high level gang attacked 1,5 hell even 10 low level gangs as long as they had the meds, stims and crids there is not a thing the low level gangs could have done about it apart from trying to pay of an other high level player to attack for them.
There is a blance there and im sure Zen will find it.
Zenith has always said that at some point there will nbe a penalty to losing a war. when that happens you will get a more personal touch to the wars. You will get the smack talking between players.
we just need to wait for zenith to finish the coding and decide as to what the penalty for losing will be.
Saerin Wrote:Zenith has always said that at some point there will nbe a penalty to losing a war. when that happens you will get a more personal touch to the wars. You will get the smack talking between players.
we just need to wait for zenith to finish the coding and decide as to what the penalty for losing will be.
Wait schmait,,,,A free for all battle royal is what we need......Oh muppets, come out and playyyyyyaaa..
I do agree the gang war system needs a change. I joined the game a few days before the new system was put in place, so I don't fully understand the old system. I don't want to see gangs eleminated from wars, and I understand this could happen in the old system. (I put a lot of my early donations in to my gang) I would like to see players benifit more from a war, it's tough to get members interested in fighting wars. I think gangs should become more vital to the players, and wars more vital to gangs. Maybe the gang system could work more like the PvP system. Members would get exp. for attacking a hide out, the more you attack the more points you get. On the flip side loosing points would be a good way to get ppl to take part in the war. All members of a gang would loose exp. if the gang looses the war. Fewer point loss if you fight in the war.
Just because an active low level gang can beat a higher semi-active gang doesn't mean anything is wrong. You can be the best shooter around and be solo but have others 1/2 your skill or even a 1/4 your skill still win if there are significant numbers of them. You may be the best but you can still get massed. Anyone can. Except Chuck Norris of course. He would tell you to get more friends before he started. He would want a challenge.
Personally, I favor the old war rather than the new. Gave me something to shoot for.
But on alot of these replies, I'm seeing PvP attacks being rewarded. How does that really differ from the old war code (Which I wish would come back!!)?
i agree Gent. thats what i was screaming from the beginning. i love this game, and Zen does a great job of making improvements, but PvP attacks is really what used to get the juices flowing during war.
i still think that there should be a rule, where you can only attack a gang if they have a cetain amount of members online. it would make some gangs think twice about declaring. i like attacking online members of a gang that have declared on us. its just more fun. of course.. so many people frown upon that. its WAR baby! all is fair once you declare on someone. its hypocritical to think otherwise.
the old war system had some stratedgy to it, there isnt much now. both war systems have good and bad attributes. i believe it will improve again.
i think everyone has the same goal and wish. and thats to be the baddest SOB in the game and to be able to beat up everyone. with that in mind, i dont see the benefit of the current war system (shoot up a hideout>get points>make hideout tougher). if the bottom line goal everyone wants, is to be the toughest guy or gal, AP is better spent on other things (yes, i know about the increase gang combat rating - that gets so expensive after a while, only a handful of gangs will benefit much).
in that light, i fear/respect a 4 man gang of level 30s (with 100 gang points) more than i do a 15 man gang of level 10s (with 30,000 gang points). why? b/c if the 4 man gang wanted, they could beat the crap out of my entire gang in PvP. my point? i agree.... PvP is where its at. sorry if i sound like a downer. im gonan play the game no matter what happens. im addicted.
Call me weird or whatever...but I fail to see any strategy in the old war system. To be honest we have tried to honestly defend in a war more often under the new system than the old one. 9 times out of ten we were declared on by people we didnt stand a chance at beating. The old system also lent itself to donation wars. whoever donated the most would end up winning. The only true winner in that situation was Zenith. Those that cant donate or cant afford to donate much more than $5 a month got left behind and often found themselves on the outside looking in when it came to gangs.
the new system gave non-donators a chance to contribute, gave them a chance to be in a gang. To me that is definately a step in the right direction. and if you think they had much of a chance before all you have to do is remember the first rule most gangs had on their description." requirements to apply - donator, high stats a few other requirements that differed from gang to gang"....but being a donator was #1 or #2 on that list. I cant tell you the number of people i probably would not have met had we only accepted donators, and to me meeting new friends is the goal...and not being #1 in anything. To me it is a game and I am not going to get some sort of monetary prize or any other prizes for being #1