Ok Ill stick to the topic then
When the numbers are picked by the game and then posted in the newspaper where everyone can see them and I dont have to give my money to another player to enter it Ill support a lottery but until then i won't
Yep. Thanks. ;D!
Now, back to the issues. SUPPORT THE LOTTERY, PEOPLE.
Saerin Wrote:Ok Ill stick to the topic then
When the numbers are picked by the game and then posted in the newspaper where everyone can see them and I dont have to give my money to another player to enter it Ill support a lottery but until then i won't
We seem to have a smartarse on our hands, huh?
No. We got someone that doesn't like to support things that other people are doing. We've got someone who has some trust issues in his life. That's what we've got.
Anyway. I'm done with negativity. Hopefully, GroverGotti is, too.
Support the lottery, people. Your trust won't be unfounded.
guys, there is a positive and a negative side to everything. grovergotti is obviously point out the biggest negative point - trust. some people just dont trust whoever runs the lotteries.
it comes down to this - if youre willing to spend 1000 AL to potentially win a million, play the lottery. if youre afraid, dont. its as simple as that. the lottery is used by people who want to, you arent forced into using it.
i personally completely disagree with grovergotti just for this reason: YOU DONT NEED TO PARTICIPATE. if youre afraid of playing because you dont trust the host, dont play. it is really that simple.
the biggest reason why the lottery stopped was lack of participation, not because of mistrust.
i personally support the lottery, even though i doubt i would use it much in the future because i lost a bunch

but i support players' abilities to do their own things to make AL a more fun and interesting place, and the lottery is one of those things
by the way, just because the thread is called "support the lottery," that doesnt mean everyone here has to. its a discussion!! if everyone had to do the same thing, that would be like fascism, and that aint coo
Thanks, bud. -Places down huge plate of cookies.- Support the lottery? There's cookies involved. XD!
There are 2 rather LARGE issues limiting participation.
1) less then half the players actually read the forums
2) trust.
to bridge the gap for those that dont read it you need some sort of game announcement to make them aware of the lottery. now this could be done but it may also give the illusion that Zen is behind the lottery when she isnt.
If you get the announcement you may be able to make it work for awhile but im not sure people will continue to play if they think it isnt fair, and the only way to make it truly fair is to code it into the game.
Yes. This is going to confuse people. XD Horribly, more than likely.
1) Over half of the people don't read the forum.
Point to discuss: How people are going to learn about the forum and it's magical hiding of THE LOTTERY.
Proven point #1: Out of the 50% or less of people that roam this forum, NEARLY ALL OF THEM are in a gang. If even 25% of those people read this topic, which the topic views should show shouldn't be hard to hit, they can tell their gang to support the lottery and try to win them some money.
The bridge is the people who have already read the forum spreading the word.
How to get them to do that: Dunno. I can't force people to go spread the word about the forum. I can just hope, wait, and see.
2) Coding it into the game being fair.
Point to discuss: How coding the lottery into the game is fair.
Proven point: People trust Zenith more than anyone in the game. She wouldn't rob anyone in thsi game.
Proven point: People aren't exactly trust worthy. Some people are, and I can prove that though the donation rally I went on and how those people got their money back almost a week after giving me the money. And how I have asked people to buy me things in advance and how I paid them back within the week.
Discussion: It's might be safer to play the lottery through the game, and it might be more fair, but where's the excitement in buying 1 ticket a day at say $1,000 and only having that one shot to win it? And, even then, there might not be people participating in it just because they don't want some automatic system giving it to them whenever they're offline, it being announced to everyone, and them getting mugged out of all of their money.
If you play it through me, you get a total of 10 chances every 2 days at $1,000 a piece, meaning you'll have 10 chances to get as close to the number as possible. If 10 people did $10,000, that'd be $100,000 in the pot, and $85,000 of that goes to the winner.
Automatic system = Randomly generated numbers. No fun. You don't know what your numbers are.
My system = 3 numbers(of your choosing) on 10 tickets. More of a chance at guessing the number you're going to get. More fun to see how close you actually get.
Proven: Both systems have their fair spots and safe spots. Fair = Getting alot more money for your buck, and getting it whenever you're online. Safe = Getting it through a system, so no one can screw you.
if it were through the game there could be regulations put in place
1) drawing every 3rd friday of the month ad midnight server time
2) you can purchase 2 tickets daily
3) The numbers would be placed in the newspaper for everyone to see
4) if you win the money could be wired straight to your bank with an events message notifying you of your victory
That allows you 60 entries per month cost could per ticket could be determined later, but lets say it costs $1,000.00 per ticket.
that could get you $60,000.00 per person
Now with it being an official event there could be newspaper announcements notifying people of the lottery with a link to a rules section on the lottery explaining the whole process. that could bridge the gap between those that dont read the forums and those that do, it could also ease any trust issues there may be.
of course that all hinges on the desire for Zenith to code the lottery into the game.