Hi, Would someone give me some advice as to what kind of stats or level do u need to not get caught by police?
For example, "Steal the old Clunker". I have more dex than the stated requirement In the beginner guide. The guide stated 8-9 dex is enough, which I believe is true. I have an average successful rate of about 75%. However, I seem to get caught at least 1 time out of 6-7 time.
Your insight is appreciated.

Number of time a crime is completed is a major factor for the crime's success rate.
I noticed, there is a luck factor in the game. Sometime, you will have better luck in combat, gym training, and crime.
What would you do to increase the luck factor?
Do the 1 and 2 AP crimes a bit, raise your crime rate success percentage. That will help you succeed at harder crimes more.
don't ever try a crime that is going to take more than twice your AP, you will most likely fail.
thatthingufear Wrote:don't ever try a crime that is going to take more than HALF your AP, you will most likely fail.
You cant attempt crimes that take twice your AP.

Casius Wrote:thatthingufear Wrote:don't ever try a crime that is going to take more than HALF your AP, you will most likely fail.
You cant attempt crimes that take twice your AP. 
Thank you that is what i ment.
Thats an interesting point. That's should be the rule of thumb for all newbie player out there.
Would reputation REAL lower the amount of jail time? I never really tried that.
What's your guys take on that.
It probably would but i wouldn't train it until i had ALL of my others stats where i wanted them.