Hey, I just logged in at work, and my buddy saw me. He now wants an account as well. We both have home internet, but when we're at work, we'll probably have the same IP, even if its at a different computer. I just sent him my referal link. The game rules say to contact staff ASAP. Will this be an issue?
as is.. i had the same issue..
if u tell zenith.... and explain to him... he will b open minded.
only thing is... he will not allow u to transfer items or money to one another..
reason i know is... my father started playing as well cause he has a friend that plays...
but i started playing before my dad.
well we both use the computer at home.. zenith mailed me and i told him the circumstances..
so if u r just honest with zenith and dont try to pull no middle man stunts, or get around the ip transfers... u shouldnt have a problem
I mailed him as well, and lucky I did. thanks for the info
why do you refer to zenith as him and he?
for if u said his name once
and continue with out saying anothers name its fine if u refer to the person u are talking about as him/her
my point was that they were refering to zenith as a male
yeah...surprisingly...hope zenith wouldn't mind

lol oops >.<
wow i thought he was a she.. srry zenith
I knew this would happen, suddenly I have mails from a lot of players who happen to have "brothers" playing.
Some actually are legit. A majority however are turning out to be lying. Just because you notify me of a "brother" or "friend" playing the game doesn't mean it's ok and I let things go. I do look into things.
I am finding it far easier than expected to sniff out the truth, and those who aren't honest get their playing privileges revoked for good.
well i was mainly refering to those that where honest... not trying to help cheats lol >.<
srry zenith..