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Full Version: Gobble Gobble Contest
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andyscho Wrote:Quick lets have a whip round for a day long hit on shadowguard

last contest i did not even try to win,i got this pretty nice turky knife for winning,well good luck to all,win or lose it will be fun,who knows a low lvl may win, :oops:i know somebody that i would love to win,she is my lil luck charm :wink:


Gobble Gobble! Smile I really hope that I win, I'm going to be doing this all day *shifty eyes*. Best of luck to everyone!


1 down


Its not the quantity its the size that matters - my other half has been lying to me for years :shock:



Just wanted to be a gentleman and wish you all a happy Thanksgiving Day Sad unfortunately, here in Romania this fest isn't held... So, i expect some donations from you to me... After all, it's ThanksGiving Day lol lol
So, whats the highest count yet? I'm at 76
84 now Twisted


i have been tossed into jail so many times stealing turkeys i have lost track. :oops:


I 'm hopin their is a most attempted page or most turkeys stolen kind of deal; even if we dont win a thing its always cool to see the stats shown on fun competions like this one


I think that would be a great'd be interesting to see just how many times that turkey has bested me now...I don't know about anyone else but I have definitely seen my exp decreasing from the jail time (and I dont gain any from catching the turkeys).
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