i'm a lv 6 currently. if i find a higher lv player(or inactive) or NPC thats getting out of the hospital in a min but still shows critical condition, do i have a good chance of beating them? or is there something to prevent attacks on someone who's still weak
yeah sometimes when you attack someone the game will tell you they have too low hp.
sometimes i even forget and the game has to tell me i have to low hp. lol
when you are a low lvl i would suggest trying to fight people +1/-1 level from you.
even fi you could kill a high lvl that was in critical condition you wouldnt get as much exp as you would from someoen who was full health or close too it.... but the chances of you killin someone at high lvl is pretty high (unless they have extremely poor sats.. like some of teh peopel 4 lvls higher than me that i know lol) theyd most like kill you in 1 or 2 hits and youd just miss or do little to no damage
Both players requires 50% or more of their max HP to be able to start a fight.
so far i've been able to beat 2 lvl 10s with this method, i've also lost to 9s a few times. mabet it depends on their weapon too
Isn't that obvious?