If i get a promotion, can i quit the job and come back to the job later and still get the promotion benefits or do i lose it?
just to clarify...
I am lvl 3 Engineer but I can't go any higher due to low Work Experience.
I am thinking about switching to Manufacturing because it has a high Work Experience conversion (2)
If i quit Engineering and stay with Manufacturing for like a month, I can go back to LVL 3 Engineering?
I just dont want to get fired/demoted

i think you only are demoted if you stay 5 days or more inactive IN a career.
if u quit and "one year or two"(examples) later come back to that career u still have the same rank
What I'm wondering is, Which career is the highest paying?
Jackietara Wrote:What I'm wondering is, Which career is the highest paying?
Thinking long term, the money you earn from your career is pretty minimal compared to what you can make once you start getting better stats and higher levels and can start doing better crimes.