The SiC may never come down in value but I think once someone complains about how silly that is that the best armor is readily available and the 2nd and 3rd best are not; well, something is wrong with that.
edit: Things should be sold for around market value. I could understand a slight drop in price, but if it's not in district, then I could understand a slight bump in price for traveling.
I feel there's nothing wrong with a better item being more available then others. Things like this happen in real life with items.
SimonAnything Wrote:The SiC may never come down in value but I think once someone complains about how silly that is that the best armor is readily available and the 2nd and 3rd best are not; well, something is wrong with that.
edit: Things should be sold for around market value. I could understand a slight drop in price, but if it's not in district, then I could understand a slight bump in price for traveling.
The best armor was sold out until the Balazar gang stole the latest shipment and dispersed it on the black/grey markets. Check the paper

zenith Wrote:The best armor was sold out until the Balazar gang stole the latest shipment and dispersed it on the black/grey markets. Check the paper 
Yeah, BALAZAR really screwed me on that one. =P lol.
I can't believe how many SiC's sold for 400-450k today. That is soooo whacked, but I guess the supply finally met the demand. It is tough to think that just last week I sold one for 900k!!!
If the need justified the cost at the time, then it was a worthwhile investment. However frustrating, fluctuation in availability and market value is inevitable.
Supply and demand!

I'd like to see more of Balazars gang bringing items into the economy as opposed to new districts having the stuff. The new districts just (typically) let the higher levels get richer (not you raf, you were awesome about lvl 50 stuff), which doesnt really promote any sort of game balance. Let Bal throw em on the market and let god sort em out! lol.
I disagree, why not let the players who bust their *behinds* benefit for their hard work. In you plan the creator of the game is the one who benefits only because the control the cost and the supply. That seems like it could end up being even higher costs than those offered by Pullo (may he rest in peace)
It could have that effect, but Zen's always been pretty good on keeping an eye out for prices fluctuating well beyond the items normal price. So, yes theoretically that's a possibility if the admin's aren't watching, but Zenith has an eye on everything. (She's watching you right now! lol)