I've noticed there are several great websites with AL info on them. Could some of this info be added to the library? General things like How many points you need to level up, increase stats, etc. and maybe a mention of these websites (would that be legal?) Seems like there should be more in the library than career info....
Putting links on web pages to other web pages should not bestow any legal issues, whether that be "in-game" rules, or "out-game" rules, as far as I am aware of. Although, whether the administrators want users to be able to use these help web sites, is entirely up to them, at the end of the day. Personally, I do not have a problem with this idea, seeing as these help web sites are already listed on the forums, and no one has really complained about that, so providing easier access to them is like a nice, little treat, for all users that are seeking guidance.
I was thinking that if we got a little startup info posted in the library that new players could be directed there right off the bat. There isn't really a place to look in the forums just for 'how to get started' and digging around through several years worth of posts can be very frustrating to a new player.
Even putting links to these help web sites, on the left-hand menu could prove quite useful. In a sense, it could make these help web sites even more easier to access, especially for when all those newbies log in, for the very first time. Well, either way, it is all good.

It wouldn't hurt and, it wouldn't be that hard.
most other games have links such as "player resources" and such, this sort of a thing should, IMO, be added to the library
I think it would be a great idea to beef up the library. The Career Information had been extremely useful. Lets make it happen!

Yes, the career info is very useful. Along those lines, I've noticed that you get better career info when you 'quit' a job and look for another i.e. which attributes the job contributes to the most. This would also be helpful in the library so you could plan your next career move better. This info is also on many web sites as well. (it may be somewhere else in game and I'm looking in the wrong place, though)

I should say 'more' career info rather than 'better' career info...