+1 from the doctor! =]
sounds fun!
"I'd really like to test my skills against Mudpies, Playajam, and Phisheva. "
you would lose. trust me.
1 day a week, 1 day a month...something like that....PLEASE!
Please notice the home page when you log in.
Thank you Zen, and congrats on level 16
any chance this can be a somewhat regular thing, maybe once a month? once a week seems a bit much.
Yer... I'd love to try some of my gangs members also. We was speaking about this a few weeks ago as it goes.
badmanbren Wrote:Yer... I'd love to try some of my gangs members also. We was speaking about this a few weeks ago as it goes.
dude, all systems go, hit away, show them who's boss.
YeeeHaaaawwww ZEN ROCKS!!!!!
and let the Games Begin
always coming up with new fun,you rock zen and err,keep it up