Why is it that only the best most powerful players can win at those contests?
None are lower level eligible. Not even average level eligible. I couldnt have won that contest if I had played it all day.
And on another rant!
Why is it that the most powerful players bully the c**ppy players such as myself?
I tried to make some cash (about 14 grand) from credits, and since I wasnt able to put a deposit for them to be put as anonymous, the dude that bought them got half of his money back. :cry: :cry: :cry: Im really begining to resent this game...
there's no reason you couldnt have won that contest or any other contest that has ever happened. Lower levels do occasionally win, it usually comes down to a matter of luck or initiative. Zen goes out of her way to hold these contests, and she tries especially hard to make them fair for all players. when she holds the jail busting contests, she makes busting chances equal for EVERYONE. that means the lvl 1 new players have as much of a chance as the lvl 40 monsters. as for bullying if you didnt whine so much about how unfair things are maybe theyd leave you alone.
oh btw here is the jail busting contest from june, you'll notice this guy on there his name is saint. That's me and I won not only one part of the contest, but 2. when that contest was held I was LEVEL 8:
* Winners of the Great June Breakout. Players in first place get a nice little $250,000 bonus. Players in 2nd place get $50,000 and 3rd place get $15,000. Ya I know, I said no 2nd or 3rd place prizes, but thank GhostRider for his generosity.
* Most Minutes Busted :
* Rafal[2693] - 10,090 minutes
* Saint[6765] - 5,719 minutes
* Chatterer[5135] - 4,911 minutes
* Most Busts :
* Punisher[4488] - 45 total busts
* Rafal[2693] - 44 total busts (so close)
* Saint[6765] - 36 total busts
* Best Percent (Minimum 24 attempts) :
* GroverGotti[4884] - 76.00%
* Scarecrow[5202] - 63.04%
* Punisher[4488] - 62.50%
Please quit complaining about the contests, be disappointed all you want that you didnt win. but dont say they arent fair. there is NOTHING stopping you from winning them. It comes down to dedication, determination, and sometimes just sheer luck.
I don't know who you are or what type of player you are. A good way to really shine the spotlight on yourself is by posting in the forums. I will try to answer most of your questions, IMO of course.
"Why is it that only the best most powerful players can win at those contests?"
-IMO raw activity, I have not seen very many donation based contests. They are the best for a reason, activity, and donations. Donations however, do not make the player, the player makes the donations. Two of the top 10 players have donataed a combined 5$.
"I couldnt have won that contest if I had played it all day."
-Pure luck to win contest, and a nice strategy could have helped you with the final blow.
"Why is it that the most powerful players bully the c**ppy players such as myself?"
-IMO you have done something to draw attention to yourself, either by forum posts, whining, or in-game mail, and also may be due to certain actions in-game. I haven't a clue, and am purely speculating.
"I tried to make some cash (about 14 grand) from credits, and since I wasnt able to put a deposit for them to be put as anonymous, the dude that bought them got half of his money back."
-You took the risk. You could have also used the other "no upfront cash option." Again, you took the risk and the other player broke no rules.
"Im really begining to resent this game..."
-That is your absolute right. It's slow in the beginning, my advice is to forge some relationships in-game... Shmooz some higher-leveled people into sticking up for you. This game is what you make of it. Hope I was able to help!
And nice to meet you

I don't think there is a problem with the contests at all. The pumpkin I hit attack, leave, attack now and right then SG hit attack and won. Really that could of been anyone doing that final hit.
The jail busting was very fair also. I will say, everyone pretty much knows my name as one of the top jail busting people in this game. I have gotten all my exp and levels just from jail busting and helping out players not sit there. When it came the contest, I couldn't break the paper cuffs on anyone. It was just as difficult for me as any one else, and I have a very high success rate on busts.
The beer drinking contests was open. Anyone could of luckily drank as much beer with no difference to the level you were.
I can't believe anyone would even say they were not fair to low levels. All these contests I have been around for and I know that ANYONE could of won them, no matter the level.
Everything Usha typed is correct. If you draw attention to yourself in game in a bad way, it spreads like wildfire. Treat everyone how you want to be treated and you won't be saying "I'm being bullied".
saintt Wrote:there's no reason you couldnt have won that contest or any other contest that has ever happened. Lower levels do occasionally win, it usually comes down to a matter of luck or initiative. Zen goes out of her way to hold these contests, and she tries especially hard to make them fair for all players. when she holds the jail busting contests, she makes busting chances equal for EVERYONE. that means the lvl 1 new players have as much of a chance as the lvl 40 monsters. as for bullying if you didnt whine so much about how unfair things are maybe theyd leave you alone.
oh btw here is the jail busting contest from june, you'll notice this guy on there his name is saint. That's me and I won not only one part of the contest, but 2. when that contest was held I was LEVEL 8:
* Winners of the Great June Breakout. Players in first place get a nice little $250,000 bonus. Players in 2nd place get $50,000 and 3rd place get $15,000. Ya I know, I said no 2nd or 3rd place prizes, but thank GhostRider for his generosity.
* Most Minutes Busted :
* Rafal[2693] - 10,090 minutes
* Saint[6765] - 5,719 minutes
* Chatterer[5135] - 4,911 minutes
* Most Busts :
* Punisher[4488] - 45 total busts
* Rafal[2693] - 44 total busts (so close)
* Saint[6765] - 36 total busts
* Best Percent (Minimum 24 attempts) :
* GroverGotti[4884] - 76.00%
* Scarecrow[5202] - 63.04%
* Punisher[4488] - 62.50%
Please quit complaining about the contests, be disappointed all you want that you didnt win. but dont say they arent fair. there is NOTHING stopping you from winning them. It comes down to dedication, determination, and sometimes just sheer luck.
I can express my opinion and if its a complaint so be it. This is a game in testing, just goes to Zen to have some other peoples opinion as well.
And back on topic.
I realize she is trying to make it fair, but there is still going to be some pattern and thats exactly whats going on. Only the people that can play the game for hours on end can actually win those things. I love this game just as much as the next person, but because Im not on 24-7 Im restricted as to what I can do.
And you, sir, are only one example. The people that have won most of the highest endurancy and highest strength of whatever year prizes have been people that can play like I said Hours on End.
I think they should hold a contest for newbies. =P Or something leveling with just the newbies.
All the level 25+ can take care of themselves. =P
And yet you didnt answer why do higher levels bully younger levels? I have made maybe one complaint in my entire AL life and yet I am continuously bullied and mugged. I only attack Inactive players, and just today, I was mugged 6 grand.
Why is that? Im a very passive person, I dont bother people. What's the deal other then being a bunch of a$$es?
well there is a bank for a reason. some of the higher level players can be bullies at times, but thats why you try to make friends with people that help protect you like ush said. as for the lower level contests I think that did happen once. but I also feel the higher level players shouldn't be penalized for being strong. Theyve worked hard to get there. also a lot of them had bullies to deal with too, and they know what it's like, so they help lower lvls out. several players I know put a lot of effort into stopping bullies, and the winner of the last comp shadowguard is one of them.
but why they bully, who knows? maybe they have no power in real life and try to compensate in the game. maybe they are trying to defend a friend (I know you said you only attack inactives, but its still a reason), maybe they're just sadistic and like to screw with people.
but anyways, about the competitions, they're pretty fair, sometimes you win, sometimes you just end up wasting thousands of energy or action points, its just a risk you have to take. there are some players that dont like risks, and just dont play, and there is nothing wrong with that either.
I would look into finding a higher level friend though, good luck :wink:
I totally agree with all of you, but I am expressing this for those who have complained to me and have expressed this. I just wanted it to be known that many of the lower levels who cant be on all the time feel like they are being put down with the contests that aren't really helping them. In my opinion, I think its because some of the contests take time, and they are impatient. =P
I participated in the drinking contest and I think all the contests are overall fair, but to some people they do have advantage and that comes with time and working at the game, but it would still be nice to have a contest for average players to have a slight advantage. Or maybe even more features that makes some of the games even harder for everyone(in a sense that like in real life, the more *strength*muscle=heavier= lower speed).
On another note:
Zen is always coming up with knew things and thats what makes AL fun, all the new features and updates.
and Another:
I've tried to make friends with higher levels...but its hard for reason I cant specify on the forum. And has absolutely nothing to do with me.
I love SG! Dude rocks!
sounds like the opinions were expressed.