Something like five or more people with the same AL career with maybe eight or more investors come together to form a company appropriate for their profession. For example, a construction company can agree to repair hideouts for a price that is set with a dollar to hit points repaired ratio. However, these services are limited to the total number of career points from each member of the company. Like real companies, they are stocks, and various management positions delegated by a board of directors.
Sounds a little reminiscent of the old career system (not as passive obviously). Anyone else remember McAdams? Oh those good old days of flippin' burgers.
Not a bad idea, though. Could this mean possibly slight discounts after working there for so long? Or maybe special employee early releases of gear (again for the higher ups, maybe after a certain level or something)?
I always thought that is why Engineers get acc bonuses.... They are all work in Ares' test labs

zingersmack Wrote:Sounds a little reminiscent of the old career system (not as passive obviously). Anyone else remember McAdams? Oh those good old days of flippin' burgers.
Not a bad idea, though. Could this mean possibly slight discounts after working there for so long? Or maybe special employee early releases of gear (again for the higher ups, maybe after a certain level or something)?
I enjoyed working at the Waste Management Plant myself

Ha, oh yeah, I worked there for a little bit as well...McAdams more so to bring up my reputation.
zingersmack Wrote:Ha, oh yeah, I worked there for a little bit as well...McAdams more so to bring up my reputation.
Ever see the movie "Waiting"? I just got you with the "Bat"
Yes, I have.
:oops: :shock: :oops:
Kind of funny looking...
In any case, this is headed towards off the wall, so I guess it makes sense that we get certain bonuses based on the assumption that we work in certain fields/for certain companies.
So does this mean that you would just like clarification on where we work...or something more?
I mean companies that we can work for that give bonuses besides usable career points like discounts on stims and health-restoring items if you work at a pharmacy or something.
Well that happens now in certain careers once you reach a level, such as being able to stim out or heal yourself in science or medical. I guess the descriptions could be changed to include the companies that we actually buy the products from normally though.
What I mean is you can work for a company or set one up, reaping profits of the selling of goods and/or services.