Pest, Wook and whoever else hit at the time got him from good to critical or falling apart in the refresh cache SG killed him. We couldn't of done it before though so he did get weakend. But who's to blame again... the whiners for making it anoying to Zenith. Competition ruined by whingers.

When's the next one?

Geez, I never knew contests were judged by who can spend the most credits and cash trying to win.
oh drat, what did I miss.
I hit pumpky just a few seconds before SG got him down. was just getting outa jail to do it again. good comp. what's the drama?
Few mails, they have been replaced now.
mkay, if anyone feels like informing an inquiring mind, mail me in game.
mudpies Wrote:mkay, if anyone feels like informing an inquiring mind, mail me in game.
I made a fool of myself. A few people got lucky and quick enough to see it, the rest of you will just have to ask around or wonder.
For those few that had time to read those posts and that may have been offended, I'm sorry, I reacted promptly and without thinking much, probably due to those 3 hours of sleep I lost last night.
And for those that would go even further and think I insulted SG, it's not the case, I mailed him long before this, right after I edited my posts and he knows it was nothing against/about him.
AL gets tense and serious at times.

hydro9226 Wrote:mudpies Wrote:mkay, if anyone feels like informing an inquiring mind, mail me in game.
I made a fool of myself. A few people got lucky and quick enough to see it, the rest of you will just have to ask around or wonder.
For those few that had time to read those posts and that may have been offended, I'm sorry, I reacted promptly and without thinking much, probably due to those 3 hours of sleep I lost last night.
And for those that would go even further and think I insulted SG, it's not the case, I mailed him long before this, right after I edited my posts and he knows it was nothing against/about him.
It's ok Thor. everybody gets mad/frustrated sometimes. You're human.