Quote:New gang prices have increased to reflect the demand for new gangs.
I just went to the create a new gang page and it told me it would cost 25k. (The usual price) Does this mean that the prices for the upgrade of slots will cost more?
I think so, yeah, I am kinda bummed, just sold a 7 man for 90k below the old creationa nd upgrade price...idk how much its worth now, lol. oh well
Should have cost 50K, even though it said 25K. Slot price didn't change.
zenith Wrote:Slot price didn't change.
good, cuz slots get really freakin expensive
I think starting a gang should cost even more, and slots cheaper

I think slots are priced properly... sorry ush but it should be hard to grow large gangs because then you have a large players making donations it will all get outta hand... small gangs should be able to get to a size that can defend themselves in a reasonable manner at a reasonable price....
Without the ability to destroy gangs anymore, I think a cap should be set at some point on how many gangs can be in existance. =\ If you think about it, how many gangs can one city support?
Completely agree. Should force gangs to get bigger, will add to gang dynamics.