ive noticed looking through the forums that less and less polls are being used in the posts, they used to be in almost 75% of the posts what hapened to them, the forums would never be the same again, i only found 1 or 2 polls in the general discussion section, so just for the record im going to make a poll. :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
There is now two people who have ever posted a poll, 666666 and Blade101.

they are, but less and less people are using them and i found it fun to vote on all of them because some of them are quite humourous
I wouldn't say less and less use polls now. In fact, really only one person used polls, and he was voted off the island.
oh no....this is gonna wake up the 6 man. theres soon gonna be more polls than to shake a stick at. :roll:
its because iv been at roses for a few days, il make a new poll when i go back home ok?