Where I live there have wildfires and last night we were told to evacuate by police. The next day or so I will be slightly slow in responding to mail. Feel free to mail Err if need be.
At the moment it looks like things are ok, but the wind over here is very random. For those who are wondering where I am located, I am in the city of Irvine in southern California.
May I add, to help reducing the mails to Zen, that if some people have trouble with bullies and being persecuted, etc, they can look in this thread
http://www.awakenedlands.com/forums/view...php?t=3260 to seek for help.
All those who posted there will be happy to help and try to resolve the problem you might have with a bully or repeated hospitalizations for no reason, 1 way or the other.
GL Zen, just remember to always carry the server to a secure location will ya

Be safe Zenith. And if anyone has any questions for in-game, may also write to me, I will do my best to be helpful.
If the servers burned.....I don't know what I would do :shock:
If the server burned due to a fire in California, then the US is going to have bigger issues than the server.
Be safe Lady Zen. I drove through Irvine Sunday night around midnight. Smelled smoke and thought my car was burning. Rolled down the window and smelled the smoke and thought OMG!!!!!!!!!! Not only was it up in Malibu it was in Irvine also. I started out with only two in S.D., woke up to six or seven, heard on the radio that one or two was possible arson and then this afternoon another fire here. And I thought the fire in 2003 was bad. Went to a site for some corrective A/C work and then noticed the sun blocked so much it looked like a dim light bulb again. All you people in or near these fire zones be careful and make it back to AL here. I want to see all of you return. Luckily I am far enough away even though the '03 fire was on the edge of Spring Valley and everyone was worried too.
You don't have to worry about the server burning down... it's not located in Cali. It's hosted elsewhere.
lol...smart girl...hence the cst...
Zenith and anyone else located near these wildfires Please be safe. The server could reset for all I care. all of your safety is paramount. Hopefully all of you will be back safe in your homes shortly!!