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Full Version: ENDurance = ENDless time
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Is that a faster or better way to Boost up endurance? I figure i would need 500,000+ credits to hit level 20 end. I know I can do my job and build it that way, but is it worth it?


id think its worth it... for both the consitution SB shotgun and the ares dual pistols


just donate a few hundred dollars and get the credits
"PAYPAL" Zen and Err need to retire one day...


yea, just donate a few hundred real dollars. c'mon cheapo, what'r you waiting for. your rent/groceries/bills can wait.

honestly just work the job if you don't want to spend real's worth it, it just takes a little longer than the higher conversion's that you are used to....
I have an idea. Let's go down to AC and take 500 each and bet it on black. If we win, we dump it into AL. I think I'd donate in 100 blocks if there was a benefit to it. Let's say on top of the bonus 300 credits per 20$, there be a bonus 2000 credits. Like getting 120$ worth of credits out of 100$.
if you stop buying snowboarding crap, you'd have money to dump into AL. on a side note you know i'm always down to go to AC! but if i doubled up i dont think i'd be putting my $ into AL. maybe craps lol, + i got a free room @ the borgata during the month of feb


Definitely worth it, regardless of the method you take to get there. Endurance is not only good for weapons req's, it heavily effects your gym trains.
I don't have endurance 20 but I sure don't donate money to put into endurance. I make money from crimes, buy credits on the market and then raise my endurance. It may take longer but it is worth it in the long run.
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