I am curious how many points people were making for 8 hours + the 4 overtime hours on level 1, 2, 3, and now 4? I am level 4 and the difference seems very significant to me but I cant remmeber how many points I was gaining a day on level one
Today as a level 4 I earned 98 points for my 12 hours of work.
(this is career points, not experience points)
Level 1 is about 30-40 per day
Level 2 is about 50-60 per day
Level 3 is about 60-80 per day
Level 4 so far is 80-100 per day
for career points. So yes the higher you go the more career points you get.
not for MY career. i'm doing military, and level 4 is definitely not getting 80-100
im getting 60-80, maybe. my first 8 hours i get a string of 2s and 3s, then i get 35 from overtime. the max ive gotten from a days work is like 85 i think..
I'm in level 1 engineering and I'm averaging 50 points a day. Promotion here I come! 8)
im in the feild that takes the highest number of points to level up so it might be why im averaging almost 100 a day
Different jobs give different point averages.
yeah i think its kinda weird, but whatever

Do we want to compile a table like we did with career stats?
I am a level 4 scientist and Im not getting anywhere near 100 points a day. I do get fairly close to 80 though
Level 5 is getting me between 100-120 a day.