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thats not actual proof come up with some mail he sent you or something :?
*Demands proof*
*Makes more popcorn*


thatthingufear Wrote:Why don't you brutalize him?
when i brutalize him i almost lose so i just hospitalize.


still no proof :shock:
*brutalizes crazyfoley and steals his popcorn*


so basically you have no proof and would like to get hospitalized yourself.

no crying to the newbiecondom either. you brought this on yourself.


I sense shenanigans... Shenanigans I tells ya! lol


Nancy Kerigan's


So let me guess you two have a vendetta with each other and its got out of hand.So no1 says something in a mail and you decide to broadcast that to the whole community thus getting the guy enemies to further your own AL experience.... hmm normally id say thats bang out of order but just for the hell of it ill say GOOD FORM XD


*stuffs face with popcorn because of all the excitement*

Chill with the popcorn-USH


JadedRadiance Wrote:I sense shenanigans... Shenanigans I tells ya! lol
imnumber [11991] online
Date : 26 March 08 @ 7:19:27 pm
Subject : (No Subject)
I tell you everysoul in this game is gay you fool.
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