I have taken my armor off until 1200 am server time 10/8/2007.
Anyone wanting to try, by all means go ahead. No retaliation of any kind will take place.
Ranged Weapon Ares SR-45 Black Talon Pistols (Dual)
Melee Weapon You don't have a melee weapon equipped. You must rely on your fists!
Armor You are not wearing armor.
Armor Shielding Ares EM-1 Power Series 0% Power Status
is that mean i can attack you online?
Even if you are naked there is only 6 players who can defeat you
Eh, I just wanted to see who could, could be some good exp

I should only be on to train and do some crimes, that's about it. If you want, you can hit me online

Can I, can I? Wait, same gang

just curious but how the heck did you get your endurance that high? Donating or job or buying credits or...?
All schools are complete. Some from months and months with a job. And some pretty heavy donating. Also, a few referral points thrown in for good measure.
take off your weapon and I will go at it no weapon and no armor with you.
Exactly. Take off the weapons and I will see how I do as well. I will ask the nurse to bring methe results as I am laying in the hospital bed. It would be OK to have ahigh target on my fightlogger for a few days at least, even though I will have my behind handed to me bad. LOL
i am looking for some fun! but what district are you in?
or is this some sick joke like with Matt where I go to every district twice only to realize i just wasted a ton of money when i can't get them cause they are in the retirement dist?
LOL, some time next week i will go no weapon no armor. No retiring for this cat!