i had 33 energy and 0 happy and i used it and it got me 0 points
i never knew that could happen
Ouch. It's like trying to eat a cake when you're not hungry I guess. If you're a normal person you probablly couldn't do it. (Birthday cake, not a tea cake!)
there's always room for cake
apparently you still get full points while in jail today. I just got caught stealing a classic and i went ahead and trained and i still got the amount of points i expected.
And what about rum cake? "Ya know what this cake needs? Booze."
TheGeek Wrote:And what about rum cake? "Ya know what this cake needs? Booze."
sounds good,think i'll run down to the store and se if they have one

Get 2. It was Geeks idea, he deserves one for that.
*Mumbles* And that guys meant to be a good friend. :x