wouldnt it be easier if the user list was classified by lvls instead of age? like maybe
then once you got to the lvls you wanted it would be listed by age?
whad'ya think?
you can sort the user list by level already. or by gang, location, and attractiveness.
it would be nice if the default was listed from the highest level to lowest. but that is just one click away. wow, im lazy.
it was obvious that i didnt know that you could do that. instead of just telln me how to do it, you had to be nerds about it and force me to sit here like and idiot and not know what the f was going on. thanks appreciate the help.
u just have to click where it says "level" at the top

buuddha Wrote:it was obvious that i didnt know that you could do that. instead of just telln me how to do it, you had to be nerds about it and force me to sit here like and idiot and not know what the f was going on. thanks appreciate the help.
nobody's been a prick to you yet.
do you need someone to show you how to wipe your arse too?
just cuz you play AL 24/7 and have no life doesnt mean you have to be a prick just cuz i didnt know you could sort the user list by level.
if you would have answerd like sulphurlizard, then this thread would have been over 15 mins after it started. but no you and faceowner had to be fucking pricks and give a smart ass answer. so next time just dont even post, cuz i really dont wanna heear what you have to say. hell maybe go outside and interact with people and TALK to them instead of typing every convo you have.
Wow.... I can't see much wrong with what they said to be fair... you really do need to chill out.
I'm sure it would be quite hard to play AL 24/7 anyway, and to be fair it isn't rocket science if you press a bar and it sorts out the user list... a lot of computerised listing works like this. You didn't know... fair enough you may not of thought of pressing the bar.
mudpies Wrote:you can sort the user list by level already. or by gang, location, and attractiveness.
HMMMMM, can somebody help me here? I don't see where this answer to a question constitutes somebody being a frag prick with a smart arse answer. I thought this answered it on the second post. :? :? :? :?