mine is 72 minutes in th hospital and the second one is 60 minutes in the hospital
My top one was 68 minutes in the hospital and 26 minutes in jail. :oops:
86 in the hosp.... and like 30 in jail. I think the higher score you get, the more time in hosp/jail you get but maybe not, just a guess from the times I've seen for myself.
I've seen that if I'm just drunk, but not wasted, I get like 16-17 minutes. But when I'm wasted, I get 23-28, lol. And if I just got caught, 8-9 minutes. Lol
and 57 minutes in jail,lol
saw ming in hosp for 94 mins
I love when I make it to "passing out" stage. I think my highest was like 65 minutes and 32 in jail.