I love the new changes, big kiss of 2007 award has already been awarded to Zen, a check on who has been doing all the warring by themselves... haha, you slackers must be shaking now.

sweet zen and err,you too are great,well as badmanbren said slackers beware,lol
its looks so much better plus i realized that my gang isnt slacking at all
I seem to be doin quite well in my gang also
and i 3rd badmanbren's comment of slackers beware lol
again nice work Zen

wonderful zen, love it. especially the link names and the little comments.
Its awesome Zen!!!

Ummm any chance of getting cp usage added in there somewhere? :oops: :wink:
Zen. I'd love to see the Gang Announcement portion moved between the hideout HP bar and the internal links. Is that possible? We use the announcement space for links that are used on a daily basis
That I'll leave up to everyone in this thread since the placement of the announcement doesn't really matter to me

mudpies Wrote:Zen. I'd love to see the Gang Announcement portion moved between the hideout HP bar and the internal links. Is that possible? We use the announcement space for links that are used on a daily basis