About 12 years ago i played shadow run on snes and gensis. I was hooked. Everything about the game i fell in love with. For years ive been waiting for a new one to come out, and one did, but it was on xbox360. I was stoked until i found out it was a FPS. I dont mind a good FPS, but shadowrun has so much more to offer. I found this the other day and my jaw dropped. I'm addicted already and am already trolling my energy bar. I just wanted to say hi to everyone and ill be here a while. See you in the shadows
I still play Shadowrun on my Sega Nomad. LOL Of course I am greedy so I play a decker for the cash from the stolen programs. Definitely love it when I grab a program from the UCAS GOV computer system. Only sucks when I die from the Black Ice. Glad I can just turn it off and restart it again. HEHE
I always liked getting the troll.. beefing him up with wrist spurs and muscle replacements. Nothing like smashing in some lonestar scum. All i need is a Shadowrun MMORPG and i can quit my job and grow a nice unkept beard.
That would be KICK ARSE. I would definitely want to be on day 1 for that game. I was for EQ2 but it became very childish these years past (and the fact sony can change your name on a whim). Whenever I wanted to be a bruiser I went for the Samauri. The decker can't take a bullet too good nor the vampires when you can get a good pay contract for them. I have died a many times trying that. Also, it really bites when I ignore the guy on the street selling grenades for 10 to 12 times and the time I decide what the heck: BAM!!!!!!! LoneStar has me then. LOL I do not try to buy them anymore. HEHE
skatness Wrote:About 12 years ago i played shadow run on snes and gensis. I was hooked. Everything about the game i fell in love with. For years ive been waiting for a new one to come out, and one did, but it was on xbox360. I was stoked until i found out it was a FPS. I dont mind a good FPS, but shadowrun has so much more to offer. I found this the other day and my jaw dropped. I'm addicted already and am already trolling my energy bar. I just wanted to say hi to everyone and ill be here a while. See you in the shadows
I sort of liked the SNES version more than the Genesis version because it felt like more of a story, but the Genesis version was more true to the rules. I'll try to keep adding new things that will be similar to Shadowrun, but they won't be exactly the same. So no "magic" but I have a feeling when all is said and done "decking" might be in.
yea i could see maybe having a variety of decks that increases int soley for cyber-crimes. Stealing company info for blackmail can be a substantial profit. Or even more difficult crimes such as hacking into a bank and wiring money to an account you have access to.

I never played and it sounds soooo interesting... sigh
Howlsong Wrote:
I never played and it sounds soooo interesting... sigh
I'm lost too. :oops:
you guys know the cliff notes of this games origins right?