Now, we all know that we have a section in the Pantheon of Infamy for the users who are the most inhuman. So, may be it would be a cool idea to have a section in the Patheon of Infamy for the users who are the most human. The more the merrier, I guess.
No offense, man, but I say it's pretty stupid, for real. Some of those out there have absolutely no cyborg implants, many of them, actually.
i think he means the players with the most humanity.
Oh, well in that case, I have no opinion on this. Simply because, when the cyborg implants came out, many people didn't bother messing with them, and therefore, those people still have the humanity that was growing up from when they started. And then again, it could be good because of the most active people that get 0.01 each day they are active. I'unno, I guess it's a good idea.

I'm also in favor of this.
Since every1 knows I'm the most borged active players and I'm tired of people reminding me, I'd love to see who's the most human and t3ell them often.

Lol, go Thor.

Although I have a pretty good idea of who the #1 spot would go to I must admit this sounds like a preety darn good suggestion as well

oh, oh, pick me. I know! I know!
Pick me!
*Raising hand frantically*
syntheticdarkness Wrote:oh, oh, pick me. I know! I know!
Pick me!
*Raising hand frantically*
Could you stop poking my bellybutton, I'm not the pillsbury guy...
Ya, a bunch of us knows for the first place but still, it would be interesting to see a top 20 or something like that. And also simply because I want to see infos on them too.