alinutza Wrote:why?..u wanna get all AL the players in one gang?

sure, if al only had 50 players. We have 50 players in our crew, whether they be in the gang or currently on their own. I'd love to own a 50 slot gang.
mudpies Wrote:sure, if al only had 50 players.
ok maybe just one district
a 50 slot gang will be awesome..lets raise money and get a gang at that capacity...if anyone would donate a small part of the money they make in 1 day, maybe we could do it..just to experiment
and zen will hold the cash for us

Nah, I'd rather have a real gang then spend my money on checking how much a 50th slot is, I'm sure there must be a formulae, I'd rather find it that way or getting my current gang to 50 members then paying Zen to do it lol.
i wonder if zen ever does crimes...
(i hope thats not too personal)
alinutza Wrote:i wonder if zen ever does crimes...
(i hope thats not too personal)
Yer Zen does do crimes, she has done before anyhow and I suspect she still does, always when you bust either Zenith or err from jail it is harder for you but you get more EXP and few credits which is kinda kool.
i know about the credit thing
u get max 20 credits, it was something in the newspaper about it..if i remember well