might be hard to implement....
but wouldn't it be great to see who was hitting the most in your gang against the enemie's hideout during gang wars?
then you could have contests within your gang for the top performers....
(and then have friendly discussions with those who do nothing....)
Yeah that would be cool to see like a total recap of the wars & each players hits & averages
You can already see that. And if you want to see it overall. Your the pres, assign someone differently everytime to keep count of how many times a person hit and the total damage.
The war history summary shows who did how many hits and how much damage each person did.
i'm talking about a page that shows who has hit how many times and for how much over the past 24 hours, week, month, etc.
a sort of search that would show the number of wars your gang has been in, broken down by who has attacked how many times and for how much damage, given a certain time frame.
not just clicking on each war one by one by one by one.
Something like the bioplex assistant or the fight recorder then?
Could be interesting.
hydro9226 Wrote:Something like the bioplex assistant or the fight recorder then?
Could be interesting.
exactly......see who the rock stars in the gang are, and see who aren't attacking at all
This is a great idea. Allows a gang to cut the dead weight.
very good idea....can compare "gun" sizes

For presidents this could be quite handy.