Combat should only end if you either win, lose or get arrested (or better yet just win or lose with the possibility of getting arrested afterwards) I hate having to end combat because the fight was going on to long and we "ran away" due to hearing sirens or whatnot...
I agree, but that choice is not up to you, myself, or any other members of the community.
we could create a poll, vote and suggets something for this...
zen take into consideraion our thoughts
valleroy86 Wrote:I agree, but that choice is not up to you, myself, or any other members of the community.
Well yes i know the choice isnt up to me, you etc.. Im not DEMANDING they do it.. but this section is for posting suggestions.. which is what i did

Actually, for posting suggestions you might want to try this one.
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yeah i just relaized that after wondering why this post isnt on that forum... must clicked therong forum on accident when i made this lol.. someone should move it to the porper forum >>>