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Full Version: drive by shootings?
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The gang options are great, however I would like to see something put in. In the 80’s drive by shootings were real popular with inner city gangs.
What I purpose is this;
A gang in a war with another has say 4 people online. All 4 of them pile into a car and drive over to the rival gang’s hide out and open up with all they have. (This will only work with ranged weapons.) the gang on the receiving end takes extra hide out hit point damage from the attack, additionally there is a small chance that some of the gang are hit personally (relevant to the attacker/defender levels) putting them in the hospital for 5 to 10 min. the cost of the attack would be 6 ap or more for each attacker. One of the attackers might actually have to steal the car first for the attack, and thus making him a driver, and not an attacker.


ilike this idea i think it could help lower gangs as well as help higher lvl gangs

oh i better not agree or say sumthing maxghost might start mouthing off say to me give it up yadda yadda but i like the idea man very intresting


ShadowKid Wrote:ilike this idea i think it could help lower gangs as well as help higher lvl gangs

oh i better not agree or say sumthing maxghost might start mouthing off say to me give it up yadda yadda but i like the idea man very intresting

he wont say it this time cuz you cant gain job points from this! Biggrin

i like this idea aswell


lmao so funny yet so true lol
Love it!


SulphurLizard Wrote:
ShadowKid Wrote:ilike this idea i think it could help lower gangs as well as help higher lvl gangs

oh i better not agree or say sumthing maxghost might start mouthing off say to me give it up yadda yadda but i like the idea man very intresting

he wont say it this time cuz you cant gain job points from this! Biggrin

i like this idea aswell

I like it too Biggrin shadow it's just the job points thing I hate Razz
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