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Full Version: RC: Jack of multiple trades
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I'm a level 2 Athlete and a level 2 Martial Artist. My goal is to become the first AL ninja (level 5 in both Martial Arts and Athletics).

But wouldn't you also want to be in the military, since ninjas were employed by warlords as snipers and assassins.


Well, you see, I'm gonna be an independent ninja. No bosses, no whining about having short lunch breaks, etc.


lol a novice ninj sent to be a warriour,you need to get your stats before holliering down the streets of al i am here to kill for hire ,might get yourslf in just a wee bit of trouble,lol


Not bad Deep. Since I have missed many opportunities for my career with long work days and other things going on in RL I know I won't get to the top of the medical field any time soon so I just plan on getting LVL 3 in careers and a few extra career points (Maybe 50 to 100) and then moving on to another career. After LVL 3 in all of them I can decide what I want to do then. Smile Smile Smile I figured a few extra points so in case I haven't worked that day inanything and I need to use some points on a certain field (I.E. repairing hideout if I choose) I can start that job that day get more points, use what I need, and then decide the next day what I want to do. When I started the career(s) I made sure to start all of them at LVL 1 so I could see what bonuses they received that early (Posted them as well, HEHE). THen I went to the med field I planned to do initially. Smile Smile
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