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Armor Shielding
Ares EM-1 Power Series $10,000 Ares, in an effort to provide cheap alternatives to common battle protection, has produced the revolutionary Electro-Magnetic (EM) Power Series Armor Shielding. With a concept of protection that utilizes magnetism rather than traditional plated armor, EM Armor Shielding attempts to deflect incoming blows to lessen their impact. This deflection power comes at a price however, as the deflection properties degrade with use. The EM-1 is merely a belt that goes over traditional armor, and is powered by an Ares EM-pack.


ooooooooh.... discuss
Im personally very happy that all rights are reserved


Does anyone know if the refreshes are free?
Standard Recharge $1,250
Extended Recharge (150% of standard charge) $2,500
Hmmm, so the rich get richer?

I wonder if there is a lower level going to be offered?

New players are going to wait along time to pick up this armor enhancement.
Its available downtown so it is for lower lvls, if you are willing to spend the money, might give you that advantage you need. One hit reduced power by 14%


I don't think it's worth buying.


Its worth it if you know you are about to go to war with a big enemy or something like that. For everyday use it could get pretty expensive though.

Still like the possibilities ^^)
You can turn it off. just use it when you need it


KcCashBrigade Wrote:Its worth it if you know you are about to go to war with a big enemy or something like that. For everyday use it could get pretty expensive though.

Still like the possibilities ^^)

I agree. One fight already brought mine down to 68% capacity. This could be a nice little money sink if you get attached to it. On the flip side it will be an advantage to those who like daily fighting over those who choose not to wear one.
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