ok i finished my first 7 day class but umm what exactly did i get out of it? i dont see any changes to my characters stats or level.... dont tell me all clases do is raise teh bar a bit on whatever stat the class focuses on.. what would be the point of waiting 7 days to have my bar go up a bit when i coud just go to the gym everyday and raise that stat much faster in that time span?
some classes add more stats
check out the website:
I have been doing classes since I first got money. Every little bit helps. Especially classes that give you intelligence and endurance stats that you can't do in the gym.
Jolabent Wrote:some classes add more stats
check out the website:
I have been doing classes since I first got money. Every little bit helps. Especially classes that give you intelligence and endurance stats that you can't do in the gym.
Which also comes down to another solution of while wating for that specific class to be done, you could always go into the Athletics field, and train on Endurance, since that is the career that gives the best Endurance upgrades. It all works out.

well what i mant was does takin clses actually do something to your character as a whole or does it only fill up the dex/str/acc/res (asuming what class you took) bar a little just like going to the gym would do?
gives you a deduction in your bank account lol.
Just gives you the stats.
lol that reply didnt answer my question at all what do you ean by "just gives me the stats" it doesnt give me any modifiers and im sure it doesnt give me a whole stat lvl
It gives a certain amount of points towards your stats, similar to gym, yes.
If you click on that link at the top Hiei, you will see each course and what stats it gives you upon completion. Now it could give you a whole stat level if you are level 1 and it gives 20 lol. Each one differs depending on the course.
These don't hurt to take, and no they don't give you a full level but every little bit helps when you get gym points, esp. when you start getting into level 10 and up where it takes 1000+ points to get one level.
ok so then yeah completing a corse is really no different than goin to the gym (or my personal favorite converting job points towards stats).. meh that kinda sucks... after reading teh description for the martial arts cllasses i was thinking id starts parrying or countering some attacks during combat
Haha, no. You do get better in stats. I'm in a class right after I get out of one. Always stay in school.