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Full Version: question about the new career system
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when i quit my job and go to a new one, will i be able to carry my earned points from my previous job to my next?


If you would have read the first post, you would know you can't quit a job if you've worked that day. I'm presumming you worked today, so you should be able to quit 12am server time.

And no, your points do not carry over from what I understand.


yea i know that i can't quit a job on the same day. i was just asking if i can carry my earned points. thanks for the info by the way. and oh, you're on level 22 already. nice. it's been a while zeus.


Sure has, but yeah, your points won't carry over from job to job, I believe they stick with that job, so if you decide to do it again, you'll have the same points.


I think that is correct there Zeus. If you were at 674 medical and left for some engineeering hours and then came back to medical you would still have the 674 and only need that 1 further point. I am thinking of either switching careers at LVL 3 or 4 so I can get some background in each. Then if I need to use some CPs (Career Points) of a certain job (Before working that day of course) and providing I have some extra I can jump into a job field that day, use what I may need to use, and then decide the next day what career I want. Smile Smile Smile
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