Our gang must have spent 100k in 1 war.Awesome :roll:
I think we spent about the same Biff. Its too costly, with stims, chasing you guys down and not to mention the 2 credit refreshes I used. We netted a whopping 19 pts. It was lose lose all around. It was fun but the cost outweighed that.
nice fight, we respect you guys a lot.

got into a protracted war last night and while we spent maybe half that, but then again, we are lower level than the lot of you.
Wars are crazy expensive now and not worth a whole lot of gang points.
(ps. we got a whopping 5 gang points for a sick number of AP and energy used)
I'm still available for hospitalizations when you guys require them.

We should agree no pvp in some wars XD......
I think that might be a good idea Biff. Contact whoever is on for the other gang and agree to no PVP.
but then it's just the standard pillowfight that we all wanted to change
with the current system, the wars are definitely not worth the return. Its kind of disheartening to be wasting lots of money and energy on something that doesnt reward us in the least little bit. Sure there is a bit of a test period we are going to need to go through but it isnt even worth it to suck it up for a little bit and roll with the punches.
I agree wook, but I think its gotta change to either use AP or Energy for wars. Not both. I'd rather get rid of the AP expense and just do PVP if the kinks get worked out.