Does anybody have any clue what your Dexterity has to be to use this effectively. I keep hurting myself using it....
THAT is about the funniest thing I have heard all day.

LostAngel --
I am here for your entertainment

That would make a good Pay Per View event.
Come watch Coldston3 attempt to use the razor flail. Bets being taken now on whether he will survive the training period!
i bet my old box. It may not look much but it was home
Coldston3 Wrote:Does anybody have any clue what your Dexterity has to be to use this effectively. I keep hurting myself using it....
I think they made the requirements equal to what they thought a typical level 15 would have as stats. I'm guessing at least 2K dex, but no more than 3K.
ill set the over/under at 250 hp...any takers? sure to be the show of a lifetime lol
Gotta love the pay per view (As long as I am getting kickbacks for all my hard work)
Well if it is set at 2k or above then I have a while (1.4k) to go.