Just checking in, to bad they didn’t sell this game or something. It was fun back in the day.
Wow, fucking crazy that the day I check to see if people are still here, someone was here and it was someone I knew.
Now all we need is pornking to show up and post an irrelevant meme
I feel like if they sold the game to someone that could push out the contest prizes and bring some quality of life updates, the game could definitely get some of its player base back.. It’s a shame it hasn’t happened already

. Anyone else used to play naked?
(2022.May.04 02:59 AM)deathishere Wrote: [ -> ]
. Anyone else used to play naked?
No but,
I remember on my BlackBerry at work.
Had a click wheel. Fet like f-in Johny Mnemonic!
(2022.Jul.05 05:57 AM)SuperDave Wrote: [ -> ]I am the competion...