And that must mean cipher is still around somewhere.
Please, in the spirit of the holidays, for 2020, maybe some Christmas miracle?
Cause why is it still on otherwise?
(2020.Dec.18 11:01 PM)JakeBlues Wrote: [ -> ]And that must mean cipher is still around somewhere.
Please, in the spirit of the holidays, for 2020, maybe some Christmas miracle?
Cause why is it still on otherwise?
This game crashing would be the Christmas miracle.
(2020.Dec.20 01:31 AM)deathishere Wrote: [ -> ] (2020.Dec.18 11:01 PM)JakeBlues Wrote: [ -> ]And that must mean cipher is still around somewhere.
Please, in the spirit of the holidays, for 2020, maybe some Christmas miracle?
Cause why is it still on otherwise?
This game crashing would be the Christmas miracle.
I Think They Should Shut The game down.
And maybe comeback to it later with a freshly coded game or tweaked version of it theirs nothing to buy but housing and theirs no competition to get anywhere I would put my self on the poi but that to me is not a accomplishment as the people on their have been gone since 2012 it's now 2021.
And the Christmas miracle!!!
Thank you Zenbot and Cipher!
(2020.Dec.25 08:17 AM)JakeBlues Wrote: [ -> ]And the Christmas miracle!!!
Thank you Zenbot and Cipher!
So very happy! Thank you to ever got us our Christmas contest back!
Merry Christmas to all!
(2020.Dec.25 09:19 AM)TealJade Wrote: [ -> ] (2020.Dec.25 08:17 AM)JakeBlues Wrote: [ -> ]And the Christmas miracle!!!
Thank you Zenbot and Cipher!
So very happy! Thank you to ever got us our Christmas contest back!
Merry Christmas to all!
Just doing it for the free candy.. not sure about the new format having to get it out of a white van though..
Well that was fun! And the perfect Christmas for an AL contest.
Gotta fill up on theses canes

So how many people get? I have like 150 left.