Dreadwind aka DMWisnothisbitch. Stop running and hiding and take your beating like a man.
Hook me up with 20k creds and I'll tell ya his location anytime you want bud
Are you trying to level him up?
Make it 10k and I'll tell you were he is and even stim him out so you can hit him again

Stop running and hiding? I haven’t hanged districts in a week only reason I hanged was to come and hosp your hiding ass you faggot
50’s district by the way and have been for a week. $500 in game money isn’t much if I move and tell you where I am can you send me 1k?
He's still in 50s district deadman. Can I have my 500$ now?
Deadman don't keep his promises, bit hypocritical I say.
I want my 1000$
You can't send money from the hospital.
He is in the hospital, the bitch tried attacking me....