You guys are assholes. Fuck this game anyway, stale as fuck.
Take it you need creds lol, how many?
I actually don't, yet. I just check it once or twice a month looking for something worth buying. But the rates right now, it's actually cheaper cheaper to spend real cash.
every once in a while somebody will post cheap creds. You just have to be extremely patient and watch it closely.
There's 1000 on there now for 700.000
Looks like they aren't going to offer the Christmas bonus on donating this year? Merry Christmas to us.
They don’t want our money
I feel like they Would have already announced the Christmas competition too if it was going to happen which probably isn't going to happen.
(2017.Dec.24 02:51 PM)filthymick Wrote: [ -> ]I feel like they Would have already announced the Christmas competition too if it was going to happen which probably isn't going to happen.
I still have hope for that, don't they usually post stuff like that about an hour before new day?
The sound of bells jingling and tiny laughter can be heard on the streets of AL.