A friendly word of advice.
This game is not protected she left if as when it got hacked my bank account and PayPal have been hit twice in a month say warning yous this game is still compromised she obviously couldn't fix it or just left it to the dogs that haked it.
Maybe they should code it lol.
U got hacked? The rest makes zero sense. Are you high?
I wish I was high.
Come to think of it it could be porn but I don't pay to watch porn lol
Need some sherm? I got some
I also got a can of these baked beans
(2017.Nov.24 06:38 PM)UNKAGED Wrote: [ -> ]A friendly word of advice.
This game is not protected she left if as when it got hacked my bank account and PayPal have been hit twice in a month say warning yous this game is still compromised she obviously couldn't fix it or just left it to the dogs that haked it.
Maybe they should code it lol.
Your paypal and bank account both got hacked? How do you know the hackers got the information from this game? Did they send you an email saying,"Ha. Gotcha you god damn Awakenedlands junkie"? You seem like the type of person that could have their information stolen a number of different ways, and I don't think you can confirm how the hackers got your information unless they are caught... or made up.
![[Image: 9414288.gif]](https://d.gr-assets.com/hostedimages/1398443156ra/9414288.gif)
I use porn protection for this game
(2017.Nov.25 11:04 AM)pornking Wrote: [ -> ]I use porn protection for this game
Put it this way new card not that old like one month and only used on PayPal for this game then I get hack it was more reason to believe that it came from here then anywhere else.
Or how did they find my new number that quick is there a phone book of bank account that you can look up ummm.
Put on the other hand if your pH does not have a protection thing like on a computer could that be it.
PayPal is easy to hack. how you think I pay my rent?
My rent is played out buy work and income it doesn't enter my bank and my bank statements are electronic meaning it doenst have mail sent to me
(2017.Nov.25 10:04 PM)UNKAGED Wrote: [ -> ] (2017.Nov.25 11:04 AM)pornking Wrote: [ -> ]I use porn protection for this game
Put it this way new card not that old like one month and only used on PayPal for this game then I get hack it was more reason to believe that it came from here then anywhere else.
Or how did they find my new number that quick is there a phone book of bank account that you can look up ummm.
Put on the other hand if your pH does not have a protection thing like on a computer could that be it.
First of all why were you singled out? There are almost 25 active users that could be hacked. Second, why would you have a credit card specifically for this game? Nothing you are saying makes sense. Your account got hacked because you gave your account number to a Nigerian Prince.