(2017.Nov.18 06:42 PM)filthymick Wrote: [ -> ]Failing a crime loses more XP than winning a crime gains. It would make sense that the one you do the most often probably has the most fails compared to the ones you don't do right?
Besides don't you get like 2600 experience off of two or three fights?
Right, but when you look at POI and see this
Top 50 Active Success Rates All-Time(Minimum Attempts Required)
Rank User
1 SP^CE Conrad1103
I certainly don't have negative returns on crimes and all I do is Ponzy too... so why is someone with a higher success rate than me having negative returns for exp?
Ponzi Scheme 1,206 22 1,409 85.6 % $1,465,292 $1,039.95 9,569 5,548
That's my ponzi data from October, made 9,500 xp.
I been playing ten years and I'm not even on that list. This whole game is bugged the fuck out
I went from getting 500 pts a day for ponzi...for years, to -200 for it, overnight.
(2017.Nov.19 04:59 AM)filthymick Wrote: [ -> ]I been playing ten years and I'm not even on that list. This whole game is bugged the fuck out
it's not related to the number of crimes you do, but the percent of successes. someone could be on that list with a 92% success rate with the exact minimum of attempts while you have nearly double the minimum but say an 87%
(2017.Nov.19 07:09 AM)S2pmarine Wrote: [ -> ] (2017.Nov.19 04:59 AM)filthymick Wrote: [ -> ]I been playing ten years and I'm not even on that list. This whole game is bugged the fuck out
Youre #50
That's gotta be new I been checking forever. Incidentally my success rate has been 82.2% for around 4 years. So how did I suddenly get on the list? That kinda bugs me even more than not being on the list
It’s top 50 active players. So attrition?
(2017.Nov.20 12:31 AM)CrazyFoley Wrote: [ -> ]It’s top 50 active players. So attrition?
Yes I was top cash earner for ages and not even on the other lists for crimes and I have a 87%succsess rate
(2017.Nov.20 09:42 AM)UNKAGED Wrote: [ -> ] (2017.Nov.20 12:31 AM)CrazyFoley Wrote: [ -> ]It’s top 50 active players. So attrition?
Yes I was top cash earner for ages and not even on the other lists for crimes and I have a 87%succsess rate
And no higher crimes don't make you more money try and prove me wrong.

(2017.Nov.20 09:42 AM)UNKAGED Wrote: [ -> ] (2017.Nov.20 12:31 AM)CrazyFoley Wrote: [ -> ]It’s top 50 active players. So attrition?
Yes I was top cash earner for ages and not even on the other lists for crimes and I have a 87%succsess rate
(2017.Nov.20 09:42 AM)UNKAGED Wrote: [ -> ] (2017.Nov.20 12:31 AM)CrazyFoley Wrote: [ -> ]It’s top 50 active players. So attrition?
Yes I was top cash earner for ages and not even on the other lists for crimes and I have a 87%succsess rate
And no higher crimes don't make you more money try and prove me wrong. 
Said my two cents worth.
looking like the glitch is the amount of experience its taking away when sent to jail for the crime. haven't done the math but its around -500 exp for going to jail.