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[Image: q3Zep63.gif]
Lmao there's 2017 thanksgiving results, looks like there will never be st paddys day results
Yeah, but I still didn't get any tags. I won most refresher and most turkeys killed at one time. Cry
I didn't even compete in the thanksgiving one
There will not be prizes other than consumables no matter what regardless of what anybody says. everything is a fucking lie the game doesn't even exist.
Daft pony must’ve won Halloween too. That’s the only reason those results aren’t also posted.
(2017.Dec.31 09:54 AM)CrazyFoley Wrote: [ -> ]Daft pony must’ve won Halloween too. That’s the only reason those results aren’t also posted.

lol, no. I was busy on Halloween. I would already be bitching about it if I thought I might have won something.
Ken M.<>

Happy new year.
(2018.Jan.02 08:02 PM)deathishere Wrote: [ -> ]Ken M.<>

Happy new year.

If anybody actually males this guy please post the response and like the mail you send to this forum please it would be fucking instant classic
(2018.Jan.02 08:02 PM)deathishere Wrote: [ -> ]Ken M.<>

Happy new year.

email him/her this

Crime Success Jailed Attempts Rate Cash Avg Exp Jail Time
Steal a luxury car 0 - 0- 1- 0.0 %- $0- $0.00 - 0- 0
Insurance Fraud 218 - 3- 256- 85.2 %- $225,372- $880.36 - 1,108 - 667
Complex Meth Lab 4- 1- 8- 50.0 %- $4,028- $503.50- -81- 312
Ponzi Scheme 14- 0- 15- 93.3 % - $16,373- $1,091.53- 0- 0
Police Surveillance 27- 2- 34- 79.4 %- $30,896- $908.7-1 2 - 527
Decatur International Airport Security 8- 1- 14- 57.1 % - $8,953- $639.50 - 37- 264
Forgery 186 - 4 - 226- 82.3 %- $203,280- $899.47- 904- 949


insurance and forgery are the only crimes i can do if i want EXP. but my % rate and cash and cash/attempt go way down.

heres January 2017

Crime Success Jailed Attempts Rate Cash Avg Exp Jail Time
Steal a luxury car 1- 0- 1- 100.0 %- $609- $609.00- 3- 0
Insurance Fraud 18 - 1- 20 - 90.0 %- $16,775 - $838.75- 28- 214
Complex Meth Lab 1- 0 - 1 - 100.0 %- $613- $613.00- 3- 0
Ponzi Scheme 2,903- 30- 3,326- 87.3 %- $3,458,541- $1,039.85 - 19,254- 7,615
Decatur International Airport Security 1- 0- 1- 100.0 %- $1,317- $1,317.00- 7- 0
Forgery 23- 0- 24- 95.8 % - $23,840- $993.33- 143- 0
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