2017.Oct.05, 12:56 PM
Isnt it funny:
Those who think they OWN me and 420 talk about a long cry on the gang page when they have us down a little.
Damn near the whole gang thinks and acts like they truly hosped a man to death that wantes to play a few more hoirs with an infected replacement throat. All name changers didnt do the deed but, all available braggarts of orthers deeds were hosped as they had.
All we need to do supposedly is admit defeat to people who attacked under a once again begged for truce from the shadow warlords, i mean the decepticons.
We stared the war...
When the hitters ears are full of the hosped... we are fighting a losing war. They have a whopping 18 k GP they are good they are growing, nothing will stop them. YET THEY CANT BRING PEACE AN END THE WAR. This from those who hosped us for battles when we were a no hosp gang. Seems some cant take what they dish... good news! We play like you do now!!!
You will all love the next bits!
Those who think they OWN me and 420 talk about a long cry on the gang page when they have us down a little.
Damn near the whole gang thinks and acts like they truly hosped a man to death that wantes to play a few more hoirs with an infected replacement throat. All name changers didnt do the deed but, all available braggarts of orthers deeds were hosped as they had.
All we need to do supposedly is admit defeat to people who attacked under a once again begged for truce from the shadow warlords, i mean the decepticons.
We stared the war...
When the hitters ears are full of the hosped... we are fighting a losing war. They have a whopping 18 k GP they are good they are growing, nothing will stop them. YET THEY CANT BRING PEACE AN END THE WAR. This from those who hosped us for battles when we were a no hosp gang. Seems some cant take what they dish... good news! We play like you do now!!!
You will all love the next bits!