you should make it so theyre we're not logged out if we go afk for awhile (its hard not to go afk in this game) i hate havin to log back in everytime i go afk for 5- 30 mins while i wait for my energy to refill
set your browser to remember your username and password and you'll suddenly discover that clicking that one button isnt so bad after all
andyscho Wrote:set your browser to remember your username and password and you'll suddenly discover that clicking that one button isnt so bad after all
I do not think that is such a good idea, especially if other people are using the same computer. Instead, have an option on the login form to have your session expire in 5 minutes (default option) or not expire at all. May be even be able to edit your session, within the user area. It would be fairly simple to implement.
The game already keeps you on for 5 mins as online + 10 more as away.
That's plenty if you ask me, let's not restart that "lets be online for 30 mins, away for an hour then go offline after 2 days" [crap] discussion please...
15mins? yeah thats really enoug.. especially when it takes longer than that for youre energy to fully replinish so y ou can do anything.. what are you gonna do? stare at a black screen the entire time? i think not
how do you set youre browser to remmber name and passwor anyway?
as you get further in the game you find there's lots of reasons to click constantly for hours at a time.
btw, donating $5 will get you much faster refresh times.
Well to be fair if you're waiting for you're refresh now I think you may have answered you're own question here. Make it fun, check out the forums, do some laundry for 5 and come back to simply click the refresh button, or you could always statre at the moving screensaver if you set one. I find the screen saver way the best.

I listen to music, that makes the time fly by.