It won't let me take any classes because I don't have enough energy. So is there a minimum energy requirement for taking the education classes? If so what is it?
depends on class you want to do, take low classes for beggining, and after you finish them you should be enough high level to attend those higher classes
I've tried both the beginning PE and Computer courses and it says you don't have enough energy. Appartently I need more than 14.
If you have a full energy bar, you should be able to do the PE40 class, as that was the first one I did. As a general rule, I would have a full bar before attempting to statrt any class.
Using the search feature up top there? Goodness, what will be next?

Lostangel Wrote:Using the search feature up top there? Goodness, what will be next? 

one stupid question, why i need energy to start school classes ?
its not a stupid question....i think school takes a lot of energy...hell, i actually HAD a little energy for my college years, and i still couldnt make it to class half the time....lectures, papers, exams, girls...if they dont require energy i dont know what does.

haha, classes are boring, so that can only reduce my happines, not energy