Good day Manufacturers. Definitely need you talking to each other here for AL's comfort of living. We definitely need you folks. Feel free to introduce yourselves to fellow manufacturers too.
sweet flood.
:::::::::sends in application for message board moderator:::::::::::
So... *cricket chirps* I guess there are only 3 of us fools...
Anyone close to level 2?
SimonAnything Wrote:So... *cricket chirps* I guess there are only 3 of us fools...
not to be too crass, but it looks like most people really don't care to jabber about their jobs... especially this one.
w00t I made it to lvl 2 manu...... same as lvl 1 but I have less points

You work yourself to the bone for an hour of overtime and earn $21 plus 9 points. You also have earned 5 experience points.
Not bad.