Good day Athletes. This post is for you folks to discuss your 12 ft high jumps, 25 yd long jumps and your 2 1/2 minute miles to each other.
This is so annoying. I come on the forums hoping to read something good and find loads of threads for our jobs. Soooo many
You wanna know about my 12 foot what?
And what you talking about 2 1/2 mins who told you! I mean...
Wow, you can really go for some time.

I wish I could go for that long. :roll:
derek2752 Wrote:And what you talking about 2 1/2 mins who told you! I mean...
what...Twice! :shock:
never fear, athletes build up stamina and endurance, you will be horizontal jogging champion in no time

Level 3 special ability.
Combat Stamina 5 An athlete can attempt to prolong their next attack to last longer than normal by up to 10 rounds per career rating.
endurance is so hard to build :cry:
aint that a sport now days lmao